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Anita Purves Nature Center

Anita Purves Nature Center

Champaign County Historical Archives

Champaign County Historical Archives

Champaign County History Museum

Champaign County History Museum

Homer Lake Interpretive Center

Homer Lake Interpretive Center

Krannert Art Museum

Krannert Art Museum

Museum of the Grand Prairie

Museum of the Grand Prairie



Sousa Archives

Sousa Archives

Spurlock Museum

Spurlock Museum

William M. Staerkel Planetarium

William M. Staerkel Planetarium

Explore history, nature, science, music, and art in Champaign County!



The Champaign County Museums Network is your one-stop location to learn about the region's history museums, nature centers, archives, art museums, and more! 




Our Member Institutions: 



Affiliate Members:

  • Illinois Distributed Museum

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Call for Applications: Kids-to-Museums Bus Grants!


The Museums Network has funding available to assist area schools in covering transportation costs. Assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to annual fund availability, so apply early. The amount of assistance offered is determined on a sliding scale based on the group’s total transportation or program costs. Only one grant per school year can be awarded to each school. For more information, contact the network at: To apply, complete a grant application here.

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